#7 — First Day at FIT

1 min readApr 27, 2021

My first day at FIT was a normal day until I had to get to my first class. I entered the 6th Floor D Building Classroom with high spirits and even higher nerves. As I walked to an empty set I noticed how loud it was. There were loads of conversations, it seemed that everyone knew each other. That made sense, II had skipped orientation, I guess everyone really hit it off the week that I missed playing video games instead. The professor walked in and started to talk to everyone, but I still didn't question the familiarity of everyone, instead, I prepped my desk for a 3-hour of Graphic Design Foundation Class.

The next hour was very confusing. It was an hour about Bernbach and Ogilvy, although it was very interesting I wondered if this was maybe an advertising class and the 28th person on the roster was me. So I quietly gathered my things and rushed across the hall to my actual classroom. Even though it was the wrong class, that wrong class was the start to my student career into advertising.

